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Fuzzification method which gets adjective memberships in a dictionary instead of values to fuzzify. You should use in the adjectives instances of Set itself.
Q : What can be done with this?
A : Break complexity, by divide big and heavy fuzzy systems into small ones :
input1 ----> ******* input2 ----> * FIS * input3 ----> * * ------> output input4 ----> *******
should be:
input1 ----> ******* input2 ----> *FIS 1* ----+ ******* | +--> ******* input3 ----> ******* -------> *FIS 3* ----> output input4 ----> *FIS 2* ******* *******
Q : Why don't defuzzify outputs of FIS1 and FIS2 ?
A : Defuzzification mean data loss.
Inherited from Inherited from |
Inherited from |
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
Do not let adjectives calculate their membership values. Instead use the provided values from dictionary.
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