Package fuzzy :: Package doc :: Package plot :: Package gnuplot :: Module doc :: Class Doc
[hide private]
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Class Doc

source code

Main object. Get an instance of this to do your work.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, directory='doc')
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
source code
setTerminal(self, g, filename) source code
initGnuplot2D(self, filename='plot', xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=None, xrange_=None, yrange=None, x_logscale=0, y_logscale=0) source code
initGnuplot3D(self, filename='plot3D', xlabel=None, ylabel=None, zlabel=None, title=None, xrange_=None, yrange=None, zrange=None, x_logscale=0, y_logscale=0, z_logscale=0) source code
getValues(self, v) source code
getValuesSets(self, sets) source code
createDoc(self, system)
create plots of all variables defined in the given system.
source code
createDocVariable(self, v, name, x_logscale=0, y_logscale=0)
Creates a 2D plot of a variable
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createDocSets(self, sets, name, x_logscale=0, y_logscale=0, description=None, units=None)
Creates a 2D plot of dict of sets
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create2DPlot(self, system, x_name, y_name, input_dict=None, output_dict=None, x_logscale=0, y_logscale=0)
Creates a 2D plot of an input variable and an output variable.
source code
create3DPlot(self, system, x_name, y_name, z_name, input_dict=None, output_dict=None, x_logscale=0, y_logscale=0, z_logscale=0)
Creates a 3D plot of 2 input variables and an output variable.
source code
create3DPlot_adjective(self, system, x_name, y_name, z_name, adjective, input_dict=None, output_dict=None, x_logscale=0, y_logscale=0, z_logscale=0)
Creates a 3D plot of 2 input variables and an adjective of the output variable.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Instance Variables [hide private]
the plotted range is [min-o,max+o] with o=(max-min)*overscan
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, directory='doc')

source code 

x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

create2DPlot(self, system, x_name, y_name, input_dict=None, output_dict=None, x_logscale=0, y_logscale=0)

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Creates a 2D plot of an input variable and an output variable. Other (const) variables have to be set beforehand in the dictionary input_dict.

  • system (fuzzy.System.System) - the fuzzy system to use
  • x_name (string) - name of input variable used for x coordinate values
  • y_name (string) - name of output variable used for y coordinate values
  • input_dict (dict) - dictionary used for input values, can be used to predefine other input values
  • output_dict (dict) - dictionary used for output values
  • x_logscale (bool) - use logarithmic scale for x values
  • y_logscale (bool) - use logarithmic scale for y values

create3DPlot(self, system, x_name, y_name, z_name, input_dict=None, output_dict=None, x_logscale=0, y_logscale=0, z_logscale=0)

source code 

Creates a 3D plot of 2 input variables and an output variable. Other (const) variables have to be set beforehand in the dictionary input_dict.

  • system (fuzzy.System.System) - the fuzzy system to use
  • x_name (string) - name of input variable used for x coordinate values
  • y_name (string) - name of input variable used for y coordinate values
  • z_name (string) - name of output variable used for z coordinate values
  • input_dict (dict) - dictionary used for input values, can be used to predefine other input values
  • output_dict (dict) - dictionary used for output values
  • x_logscale (bool) - use logarithmic scale for x values
  • y_logscale (bool) - use logarithmic scale for y values
  • z_logscale (bool) - use logarithmic scale for z values

create3DPlot_adjective(self, system, x_name, y_name, z_name, adjective, input_dict=None, output_dict=None, x_logscale=0, y_logscale=0, z_logscale=0)

source code 

Creates a 3D plot of 2 input variables and an adjective of the output variable. Other (const) variables have to be set beforehand in the dictionary input_dict.

  • system (fuzzy.System.System) - the fuzzy system to use
  • x_name (string) - name of input variable used for x coordinate values
  • y_name (string) - name of input variable used for y coordinate values
  • z_name (string) - name of output variable used for z coordinate values
  • adjective (string) - name of adjective of output variable used for z coordinate values
  • input_dict (dict) - dictionary used for input values, can be used to predefine other input values
  • output_dict (dict) - dictionary used for output values
  • x_logscale (bool) - use logarithmic scale for x values
  • y_logscale (bool) - use logarithmic scale for y values
  • z_logscale (bool) - use logarithmic scale for z values