Quick Start using PyFuzzy

Define your fuzzy system

The simplest solution here is to create a Fuzzy Control Language file and just load this. (One could also create a system obect using pyfuzzy objects, but this needs much more code to write.)

Line number relate to the example below. Anything between (* ... *) are comments.


A block VAR_INPUT ... END_VAR defines all inputs you want to use. You define the name and the type (anything else than REAL is not supported now.)


A block VAR_OUTPUT ... END_VAR defines all outputs you want to use. You define the name and the type (anything else than REAL is not supported now.)

Input fuzzy sets

Several blocks FUZZIFY ... END_FUZZIFY define the membership fuzzy sets belonging to an input. The list (x1, m1) (x2, m2) ... (xn, mn) with m in [0,1], defines a fuzzy set using the Polygon class. But it also possible to use all other defined in fuzzy.set by writing SetClassName(param1, param2, ...) (eg. SFunction(0.0, 1.0).)

Output fuzzy sets and defuzzyfication

Several blocks DEFUZZIFY ... END_DEFUZZIFY define the membership fuzzy sets and defuzzification metod belonging to an output. Membership fuzzy sets are defined the same as at the inputs.

ACCU defines how the memberships are accumulated before doing the defuzzification.

METHOD defines the defuzzification method. Valid values are COG, COGS, and all class names in fuzzy.defuzzify.

Fuzzy rules

A block FUZZIFY ... END_FUZZIFY defines the fuzzy rules.

AND or OR define which fuzzy norm is used for AND or OR. Each class from fuzzy.norm can be used. If the norm needs paramters write it as NormClassName(param1, param2, ...).


This example is taken from AI Game Programming Wisdom page 97.

        Our_Health :     REAL; (* RANGE(0 .. 100) *) 
        Enemy_Health:    REAL; (* RANGE(0 .. 100) *) 

        Aggressiveness : REAL; (* RANGE(0 .. 4) *) 

    FUZZIFY Our_Health
        TERM Near_Death := (0, 0) (0, 1) (50, 0) ;
        TERM Good := (14, 0) (50, 1) (83, 0) ;
        TERM Excellent := (50, 0) (100, 1) (100, 0) ;

    FUZZIFY Enemy_Health
        TERM Near_Death := (0, 0) (0, 1) (50, 0) ;
        TERM Good := (14, 0) (50, 1) (83, 0) ;
        TERM Excellent := (50, 0) (100, 1) (100, 0) ;

    DEFUZZIFY Aggressiveness
        TERM Run_Away := 1 ;
        TERM Fight_Defensively := 2 ;
        TERM All_Out_Attack := 3 ;
        METHOD: COGS;(*MoM;*)
        DEFAULT := 0; 

    RULEBLOCK first
        RULE 0: IF (Our_Health IS Near_Death) AND (Enemy_Health IS Near_Death) THEN (Aggressiveness IS Fight_Defensively);
        RULE 1: IF (Our_Health IS Near_Death) AND (Enemy_Health IS Good) THEN (Aggressiveness IS Run_Away);
        RULE 2: IF (Our_Health IS Near_Death) AND (Enemy_Health IS Excellent) THEN (Aggressiveness IS Run_Away);
        RULE 3: IF (Our_Health IS Good) AND (Enemy_Health IS Near_Death) THEN (Aggressiveness IS All_Out_Attack);
        RULE 4: IF (Our_Health IS Good) AND (Enemy_Health IS Good) THEN (Aggressiveness IS Fight_Defensively);
        RULE 5: IF (Our_Health IS Good) AND (Enemy_Health IS Excellent) THEN (Aggressiveness IS Fight_Defensively);
        RULE 6: IF (Our_Health IS Excellent) AND (Enemy_Health IS Near_Death) THEN (Aggressiveness IS All_Out_Attack);
        RULE 7: IF (Our_Health IS Excellent) AND (Enemy_Health IS Good) THEN (Aggressiveness IS All_Out_Attack);
        RULE 8: IF (Our_Health IS Excellent) AND (Enemy_Health IS Excellent) THEN (Aggressiveness IS Fight_Defensively);

More examples can be found here. The file FCLTest.py takes a filename from command line and tries to output all fuzzy sets using gnuplot (works only with Python 2, because the Gnuplot module does not work with Python 3.)

Use the fuzzy system

import fuzzy.storage.fcl.Reader
system = fuzzy.storage.fcl.Reader.Reader().load_from_file("your_definitions.fcl")

# preallocate input and output values
my_input = {
        "in_var1" : 0.0,
        "in_var2" : 0.0
my_output = {
        "out_var" : 0.0

# if you need only one calculation you do not need the while
while ...:
        # set input values
        my_input["in_var1"] = ...
        my_input["in_var2"] = ...

        # calculate
        system.calculate(my_input, my_output)

        # now use outputs
        ... = my_output["out_var"]

Loading the prepared FCL file

Lines 1-2: Just load your defined fuzzy system from the file.

Preparing the input and output dictionaries

Lines 4-11: If you want to do more than one calculation, it is faster to create the dictionaries here, and change later only the elements.

Set inputs

Lines 15-17: Set the inputs to the corresponding elements in the dictionary

Do a calculation Step

Line 19-20: Let the system do its calculation using the given inputs and outputs

Use results

Lines 22-23: Use the output from corresponding elements in the dictionary